Medicinal Plant Lexicon

Commission E

The Commission E worked from 1984 to 1994 on behalf of the then Federal Health Office (BGA) in Berlin - today the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM in Bonn). At that time it was used to accelerate the renewed authorisation of herbal medicines. This commission worked on the scientific material of 312 drugs (processing monographs) and respectively made and appraisal of the benefit-risk ratio. If the benefits of a drug outweighed their risk - this was the case for 186 drugs -. It received a so-called positive monograph, which were published in the Federal Gazette. Herbal medicines containing such "positive drugs" could then use these processing monographs for a renewed authorisation or to file a new registration. 126 drugs showed an unfavourable benefit-risk ratio and were awarded a negative monograph. Herbal medicines that contain such drugs have had to be removed from the market. Today the Commission E has a consultative role in the BfArM

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